An Exhausted Pumpkin Seed

Today’s Happy Note: My new string of fake pearls!  My cousin recently moved from NYC and gave me some things she wasn’t taking:

I am NOT normally a take-my-picture in the mirror girl, but I made an exception for this necklace. 🙂

A few notes…

I’m getting to a point in the school year where I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed.  I have a lot of schoolwork and reading.  I’m a history major which means that I spend a lot of time, well, reading history.  History is long. Historians are verbose.  School has to be a big priority in my life.  It’s feeling like I have a million priorities right now.  I certainly like being busy, but I also know that I do need to devote myself fully and passionately to the things that I do.  All this is the long-winded explanation for why blog posts will be inconsistent for the next two to three or so months.

Inconsistency upsets me, so I might like to have an actual schedule of inconsistency.  That makes no sense, but whatever.  Perhaps every other night?  I’ll see what works.  But, especially during the school week, I need evenings to focus on schoolwork.  Last night I went to the library for the first time all semester.  That needs to happen more often.

Another note: Marathon Training. It’s getting annoying.  I’m exhausted.  I originally was planning on rearranging my runs for the week, but I quickly realized that I’m just too tired.  I have some weeks where I am more tired than others (both sleepy-tired and physically-tired) and this is a very tired week.  I took a four hour nap this afternoon.

I’m coming to understand that I need to be flexible with the plan and be gentle with myself.  My body is not some sort of crazy marathon-running-automoton. It has aches and pains, wants and needs, tired moments, lively moments.  I need to listen.  I ran 57 miles last week and so far, this week, I have done four (last night — an easy four with 6×100 strides in the last mile and 20 minutes yoga).  I skipped out on 14 miles worth of speedwork.  I am really struggling with feelings of guilt.

Any other marathoners out there who can relate?

I want to not feel guilty, but it’s there. I know that, at this point, I have a solid enough running ability and cardio-base built up and that I need to take a break when I need to.  So this week I’m taking it easy.  So there.

Onto some fun eats from the past few days!  Many of which have involved pumpkin, hence the title of this post.

Guess what?  Tonight, I do not want to run.  I just don’t have it in me.  So I’m going to do what I do want to do, which is swim!

I really want to be in the pool again.  I miss it!  I used to swim hardcore in high school.

I refuse to let marathon training get in the way of what my body really wants to do. I have a history of over-exercising and I will not get into that cycle again.  I will not do what my body does not want to do.  I have a feeling that this will pass and, in a day or two, I will be ready to run.

Until then, I shall be a little fishy.

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Erin
    Oct 06, 2010 @ 17:48:47

    Love the necklace! I have a strand of real pearls that I love to wear but my grandmother gave me a triple strand of faux pearls that I adore. It feels so fancy and special.


  2. Cindy
    Oct 06, 2010 @ 18:27:48

    I am going thru an exercise shift…because I am just exhausted a lot and feel guilty and on and on.

    so CHEERS to you!

    I have been doing yoga all week and light cardio…I am still moving but striving to feel energized and not drained.
    Inconsistency drives me to insanity !

    and I love your thoughts on the Marie Claire article. I just didn’t even get involved. It really frosted me !

    I just wanted to say HI really!


  3. Ada
    Oct 06, 2010 @ 20:14:15

    Yay for swimming! We should go together one day. I definitely hear ya on the being overwhelmed with school work feeling. . .


  4. Liz
    Oct 07, 2010 @ 06:21:17

    I’m training for the NYC marathon too, and I completely hear you on being super tired and then frustrated when you skip a run. Just this morning I was planning on 8-9 at tempo pace but was too sleepy to get up in time and am settling for yoga instead.

    If it makes you feel better, your mileage is much higher than mine! I’m sure you’ll rock it at the marathon (exactly one month away, btw!!)


    • caronae
      Oct 07, 2010 @ 09:12:27

      Oooo, maybe we can have a meetup before/after the marathon if you want? I’ll probably do a post on this once it gets closer….And I can’t believe it’s only a month away! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!


  5. Joanne
    Oct 07, 2010 @ 13:39:23

    Alright. From one marathoner to another, here’s the deal. When I was marathon-training I ran a grand total of three days a week. And cross-trained the other days. And you know what? I still crossed that finish line. So yes, I think it is totally possible for you to cut back on your running and still rock it! In fact, I’ll bet you rock it BECAUSE you took days off. You do NOT want to wear your body out now!

    I loved your thoughts on the Marie Claire article and just posted mine. It made me enraged. So enraged in fact that I used the word blowjob in my post. No lie. 😛


  6. mymulticolouredlife
    Oct 07, 2010 @ 14:22:43

    I like the idea of being a fish 🙂 in fact swimming is the one sporty activity I wouldn’t mind returning to. It’s nice to have a refreshing swim…remember things won’t always be overwhelming, and perhaps it is possible to have a schedule of inconsistency? I’d be interested to know about that one 😉

    Take care chick

    Sarah x


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